Join us on Saturday 16 June as we celebrate 20 years of NLMG history and service in the community. We are looking forward to a very special night of food, fun and fellowship as we welcome any and all who have been a part of the NLMG family over all of these years.
The party kicks off at 6:30 pm at Heston Community School, across from Heston Methodist Church, the meeting place for NLMG for many years. Admission is free and all ages are welcome. Please take a second and RSVP via the form below so we can get an accurate count on how many people will be attending.
We look forward to seeing everyone there, new and old faces alike. Come out and celebrate with us the many ways that God has blessed this church family over the last 20 years.
LOCATION: Heston Community School Heston Road Hounslow TW5 0QR